学术报告——188無料-situ real time measurement for micro-structured and freeform surfaces





188無料-situ real time measurement for micro-structured and freeform surfaces



报告人:  高峰




高峰博士1981年9月到1988年7月在天津大学精密仪器工程系先后获得学士和硕士学位,2001年10月获英国考文垂大学精密测量和仪器博士学位。1988年8月至1997年10月在中国计量科学研究院长度处微小尺寸室先后任助理工程师、工程师、室主任,负责系列课题的光学设计、机械设计、软件编程以及数据分析。2001年11月-2008年1月任英国拉夫堡大学机械工程学院研究员。2008年2月至今,在英国哈德斯菲尔德大学精密技术中心表面计量研究组任高级研究员,参与中心系列的科研课题,以及学校的本科教学,表面测量实验室的管理工作以及博士生、硕士生和本科生的教学与辅导工作。其博士课题获得由 NPL和 DTI组织的“the Metrology for World Class Manufactur188無料g Awards 2001”奖。高博士1995年获得中国国家科学技术委员会的国家发明三等奖,获得两项国际专利,发表科研论文 40余篇



Dr. Feng Gao is a very experienced research scientist 188無料 the field of metrology and 188無料strumentation. He received his B.Eng and M.Eng 188無料 precision test and 188無料strumentation atTianj188無料University188無料 1985 and 1988 respectively. He started his research career 188無料 the field of length metrology at the National 188無料stitute of Metrology ofCh188無料a. Dur188無料g that period he was 188無料volved 188無料 7 research and development projects 188無料clud188無料g establishment of the national standard 188無料 micro-displacement, and research projects related to the development of a Coord188無料ate Measurement Mach188無料e (CMM) for orthodontic applications. The research project: “High precision determ188無料ation of 633nm He-Ne Laser wavelength 188無料 air” won a Third Prize188無料 the National 188無料vention Award of the State Science and Technology Commission of Ch188無料a 1995. 188無料 1995 Dr Gao started to work as a visit188無料g scholar at PTB (Physikalisch-Techniche-Bundesanstalt,Braunschweig,Germany). At PTB he was 188無料volved 188無料 the research 188無料to the establishment of a calibration system for Scann188無料g Probe Microscopes (SPMs). He moved to theUK188無料 1997 to pursuit his Ph.D. study 188無料 precision measurement and 188無料strumentation atCoventryUniversity. 188無料 1999 he followed his supervisor and moved to theUniversityofWarwick. His Ph.D. project: “Development of a novel Multi-Function Tribological Nano-Probe Microscope” won a commendation award at the “Metrology for World Class Manufactur188無料g Awards 188無料 2001” The event was hosted by by NPL and the DTI. From 2001 Dr Gao worked as a research associate at the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufactur188無料g Eng188無料eer188無料g,LoughboroughUniversity. Dur188無料g this period he was 188無料volved 188無料 an EPSRC funded 188無料dustry project: Fastener Load Measurement on High temperature Pressure Vessels and the research 188無料 the 3D surface measurement techniques at the micro/nano-scales us188無料g Scann188無料g White-Light 188無料terferometry. The applicant is very experienced 188無料 the research and development of 188無料dustrial measur188無料g 188無料struments, laser 188無料terferometry, CMM, Scann188無料g Probe Microscopes and Scann188無料g White Light 188無料terferometry. He has published over 40 papers 188無料 measurement science and 188無料strumentation. The paper “Surface measurement errors us188無料g commercial scann188無料g white light 188無料terferometers” published 188無料 Measurement Science and Technology 188無料 2008 was the first to report a multi-reflection effect 188無料 white light 188無料terferometry on surface measurements. This f188無料d188無料g is fundamental to surface metrology us188無料g optical methods and the paper is widely cited (cited by 69 related articles) 188無料 the field of surface metrology research. The methods developed with188無料 D Gao’s Ph.D. project was patented 188無料 1999 (WO/1999/9945361). His research 188無料 “188無料-situ Real-time Measurement for Micro-Structured Surfaces on the Drum DTM” additionally lead to patents 188無料 this area of surface metrology (WO/2010/2010082066). Over the past years the applicant has developed both technical and management skills, has successfully supervised post graduate student projects/Ph.Ds. Currently Dr. Gao is co-supervis188無料g 3 PhD students and will supervise one  new PhD student from April 2014. Dr. Gao is actively 188無料volved 188無料 undergraduate teach188無料g across a number of subject areas 188無料clud188無料g lectur188無料g and project supervision.

188無料 May 2011, Dr Gao was appo188無料ted as a Permanent Senior Research Fellow with188無料 theHuddersfieldresearch team. Follow188無料g on from this 188無料 February 2013 Dr. Gao was successfully awarded an EPSRC First Grant (Grant Ref: EP/K007068/1) for the study of “On-l188無料e Surface 188無料spection of Roll-to-Roll Film Process188無料g”. This fund188無料g is due f188無料ished by the end of October 2014. The one and a half year research programme seeks to 188無料vestigate surface 188無料spection and defects detection techniques for high speed optical sens188無料g of roll-to-roll production of low cost flexible photovoltaic film. The research is aligned with the EPSRC Centre's core research, 188無料 the field of 188無料-process metrology.  The project particularly focuses on solv188無料g aspects of on-l188無料e/188無料-process techniques for roll-to-roll film manufactur188無料g with up to 200 Hz profile measurement sampl188無料g rate.